Avoidant personality disorder – how to deal with it?

Shyness and insecurity are two factors that can make it difficult to communicate with others. However, people who suffer from these feelings strive to overcome them and make friends. They may also lead an interesting social life. On the other hand, there are those for whom these feelings are so strong that they avoid social interaction. These people often have low self-esteem and make every effort to avoid situations in which they may be negatively judged by others. These are symptoms of difficulties known as avoidant personality disorder.

Avoidant personality disorder (f60) – what is it?

Fearful or avoidant personality disorder is a personality disorder listed under number ( f60 ) F.60.6 in the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, ICD-10. It is characterised by isolation and social and emotional retardation. People with this disorder consider themselves unable to interact with others in social situations. Therefore, they avoid all communication with people to avoid humiliation, ridicule or scorn.

People with this disorder have a strong sense of inadequacy and feel that they do not fit into any social environment. They are very sensitive to frustration and therefore prefer to isolate themselves. They usually do not have a support network to help them when they need it. They suspect that others are always judging them and respond poorly to criticism, even if it is constructive. They therefore find it difficult to form bonds and are constantly reluctant to be with people.

Anxiety is a clear companion to this condition. It causes negative thoughts and fear of judgement and criticism. For example, a woman who avoids people would rather spend her life alone than marry a man and start a family with him. She fears that her person will be criticised not only by her partner, but also by her family, relatives and friends.

Avoidant personality disorder usually manifests itself in early adulthood, but some signs of the disorder can also be seen in childhood. It is estimated that 3% of the world’s population suffers from this disorder.

Anxious personality – symptoms

A withdrawn, rather shy and fearful person is the simplest characteristic of this disorder. Other symptoms and signs of the pathology are:

  • sensitivity to criticism and rejection;
  • social exclusion;
  • low self-esteem and feelings of inferiority;
  • exaggerated self-criticism;
  • avoid physical contact;
  • dysphoria (sadness and anxiety);
  • distrust and emotional detachment from others;
  • agoraphobia ;
  • self-loathing;
  • an escape into a world of fantasy.

Other symptoms of avoidant personality disorder that are among the criteria needed by a psychiatrist or psychologist to make a diagnosis of avoidant personality disorder are

  • reluctance to engage with people;
  • inhibiting social interaction, especially with strangers;
  • feelings of inferiority, inadequacy to social groups;
  • Inferiority complex;
  • extreme sensitivity to criticism;
  • difficulties in participating in events because of embarrassment;
  • unwillingness to take personal risks;
  • requirements for safeguards and constant verification in the relationship;
  • Fear of taking advantage of opportunities, such as promotion or speaking at a conference, because of a reluctance to be judged;
  • avoid meetings, parties, events and other situations with large numbers of people;
  • excessive concern for what others think;
  • Fear of extreme reactions such as crying, stuttering and blushing in social situations;
  • being distrustful when getting to know each other and forming a romantic relationship;
  • preferring social isolation to creating a sense of security, even when there is a desire to interact with a loved one;
  • restraint in intimate situations;
  • the perception of oneself as socially inferior, lacking in personal attractiveness;
  • restraint in taking risks or engaging in new activities;
  • lack of desire to achieve more than he or she has (this is a person who avoids comfort).

Physical symptoms can appear even in situations that cannot be avoided. These include reddening of the cheeks, dry mouth and increased sweating.

To be diagnosed, symptoms of avoidant personality disorder must persist for several months.

Avoidant personality disorder – causes of the disorder

The first signs of avoidant personality disorder usually appear in childhood, but most people think of it as normal child shyness and avoidance of seeking help. As for common age-related shyness, a young person tends to become less shy as they get older. In personality disorder, however, this shyness does not improve and may even worsen in adulthood.

It is not known what the exact causes of the development of anxiety personality symptoms are. It is estimated that experiences of rejection in childhood and anxiety may contribute to their appearance in adulthood. They can relate to:

  • parental separation: the child does not understand what caused the relationship to end, may feel rejected and withdraw suddenly from the relationship with others;
  • living in socially uncomfortable situations, such as poverty or an abusive family;
  • parental neglect;
  • separation and the end of a long-term relationship (rejection by the partner).
  • Changes in the production of hormones and neurotransmitters are also possible causes.

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